Author: Sandy Gorman

It is certainly a privilege to be able to take the time off work/real life to attend the TRV Annual Club Camp. It’s a week of amazing rides, great food, good company – it is simply wonderful! EXCEPT for the one drawback. The ANNUAL CLUB CAMP AWARDS.
Enjoy your week away by all means, but please members, BE VERY CAREFUL!!! During your stay at camp, your behaviour is monitored. Now, I’m not saying EVERYTHING you do and say is heard, but there are plenty of eyes and ears on you as you. What you do or say could well be the reason you are the winner of one of two awards that are handed out annually.
Firstly, there’s the HORSE’S ARSE award. Yep, we award the person who manages to do or say something that well…. Then, there’s the ANNUAL COMMENT award. You guessed it, he or she that says something that is, well, classic.

So 2024 Annual Camp to Fry’s Flat was seven days (including set-up and pack-up) of great riding – and trying to work out exactly which member was most deserving of these awards. It was at times hard to decide who was most deserving.

When it came to the Horse’s Arse, well there really wasn’t a great deal of competition. (ok, so maybe Sinead’s lack of directions could have got her a guernsey here, but she excelled more-so in the comment award). When it came to the winner of this award, maybe the rest of the members were actually jealous of the capabilities of this rider. I mean, if you have a horse that stands about 16.2hh and you’re only just a little over 5 foot, it’s a feat on its own to mount easily from the ground. Why wouldn’t you take some time on a high country trail on the side of a mountain to adjust your saddle and remount? Only one deserving of the Horse’s Arse would however, do this from the LOW SIDE of the mountain. Throwing a saddle up over your head isn’t easy at the best of times, but LOU made it look like the easy way to tackle the job… NOT! Well Awarded, Lou!

Then there’s the Annual Comment Award. Although I may have slipped in a minor mention in this category, there was again an outstanding contender. The only issue was deciding WHICH was the highest rated comment. Was it the earplugs? Was it the view from the. tent? The Rocket Scientist? We love it when Sinead opened her mouth during this week away – no-one knew what she might actually say next. It was with many votes that Sinead took the Annual Comment Trophy for her “rocket scientist” comment. Again, Well Awarded, Sinead!