Club Ride – January 2025

There certainly can’t be a better start to the year – the sun shone down, skies were blue – perfection!

As usual (well, at least whenever possible!) I arrived early Friday with my guest rider not far behind, followed by Kim and Lou.  Kim and I hoped that, with Lou joining us for a Friday afternoon ride our two boys may have thought the “go slow” wasn’t an option.  But as has become typical of Blue and Idaho, they had their very casual legs on and they showed Billy that speed on a warm sunny afternoon is really only required on the return trip.  It was a nice ride and we returned to the club house for a few drinks and dinner.  Brian, Clare & Murray arrived to kick back and discuss the plans for Saturday’s ride.

Saturday was an absolute cracker of a day.  29 degrees, and a shady ride planned – Glorious!

Julie was meeting us at our planned departure spot at Trawool Estate (yes, we had decided that since we couldn’t find the track from the reservoir end last month, we’d start at the opposite end to see where it came out!).  As we’re heading off in a convoy of floats with me in the lead, Brian bringing up the rear, I hear the call on the radio that we can’t actually park at the Estate, so I was to find an alternative spot to fit 7 floats.  Tick for that… but it just didn’t quite land right on the rail trail.  It was either up the cutting or along the road for about 100 mtrs to jump on the trail, with an extra couple of kilometres added to the ride each way to get to our original planned starting point.  We chose the road and hit the Rail Trail with Lou, Kim, Murray, Clare, Brian, Julie, Julie (my guest) and myself all ready for a great ride.  Just past Trawool estate we found the track to head to the reservoir.  There was almost a corral type entrance to the track, gates each end and a little bit fancy.  The track was signposted with small yellow triangles on trees or star pickets pointing the way.  All was going well until we hit a large rockface that it suitable for walkers in runners, but certainly not horses with shoes.  It was attempted, but quickly proved just too dangerous.  Brian and Sunday showed that walkers in runners can have it for themselves.  We found an alternate route… this ride was already proving that the ability to be flexible is a must!  Whilst the track wasn’t long, it had taken us some time to reach the reservoir following our little triangles – and the end post signalling the track was just another star picket with it’s one inch triangle – no wonder we missed it last month!  We gave the horses a drink in the reservoir, with Clare’s question to Brian as to how you’d know if your horse is ready to roll didn’t get the opportunity to be answered before Girl was down in the water and Clare had wet boots!  Yep, just like that Clare!  We had lunch in the shade and again adjusted our planned ride to a shorter route as time was already getting away.  Our guest rider’s horse was only four weeks out of the breakers and Murray and his horse have only had six weeks together – it was better not to push too far (although they both handled the day perfectly).  We did a lovely loop through the Tallarook forest, some great canters along the track, then into narrower tracks through the trees, over trees, up cuttings – great riding!  The horses got another drink as we made it back around the reservoir, then to navigate the track back down to Trawool.  We chose the “not rock” way back, only to realise that taking the easy track didn’t allow us in the corral section to get out!  Another short back-track to find a gateway through the fence and we’d made it back to the rail trail for the few kilometres home.  It was warm, dusty and the easy track home was appreciated – just to ride the 100 metres of road section at a bit of a clip to safety and we were back at the floats.  We said goodbye to Kim and Julie at the float park and just six of us headed back to the homestead for Zooper Doopers!

While we’d been out on our ride, Bek & Charli had arrived in time for dinner, and our Chef Lynda was already slaving in the kitchen.  Brian and Lou got stuck into the lawns, I got stuck into the wines and helping out in the kitchen.  We ate yet another great meal and relaxed and shared stories around the table as is the norm.  And as is also the norm, I was one of the first to head to bed!

Sunday dawned cool, but with promise of a hot day.  Breakfast around the kitchen table, with lots of chatter and high spirits.  A confidence building ride was requested, so the Flowerdale Estate was chosen as Brian promised 5k each way.  Some time was spent on the obstacle course and saddle swapping and instruction before the ride.  I was on cleaning duty (thank goodness, me and heat aren’t a good mix and anything over 30 degrees that’s not shaded… nope!).  I missed the morning’s fun but was done cleaning before the riders headed out about 11.30 for their ride.  Everyone – Bek, Charli, Lynda, Murray, Clare, Lou & Brian – appeared very relaxed and ready to go.  Now I wasn’t on the ride but saw the photos… I actually think they did the loop around through the creek!  It’s amazing what Brian can promise and what he delivers… but I’m sure everyone was pleased with the extra push as the smiles in all the photos said it all!  I’d have to say it was a picture perfect day, a great ride and an amazing start to a wonderful year ahead.  Thanks to all that attended … we must have shown my guest what a great bunch we all are as she’s already filling in the application form to join – but she is only human and who wouldn’t want to be part of this?

See you February – yes we will be riding Saturday before our HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LUNCH on Sunday celebrating 95 years of TRV.  Have fun until then all – love ya ponies!!

1 thought on “Club Ride – January 2025”

  1. Great job Sandi remembering it all and covering it beautifully, such a great weekend as always 👏❤️. After the ride I finished the lawns at 6.30pm and grabbed a leftover Pepsi Max which I’ve never had before to give me the energy for the drive home 😉. Lesson learnt I was home by 10pm tired and ready for sleep but was still awake at midnight, omg caffeine I’m clearly not use too 🤣🤣.

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