“The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit and freedom”
– Sharon Ralls Lemon –
Our next Club Rides will be on ...
Saturday, 18 January 2025 at 10am
Sunday, 19 January 2025 at 10am
Saturday, 18 January 2025 - 6.30pm
Book Your Spot by Wednesday, 15
Please RSVP by Wednesday before the ride for catering purposes.
Ride to many destinations
Strath Creek is a beautiful part of Victoria so we focus mainly on local rides, with the occasional ride elsewhere. Some of the attractions close by are The Village Green & Pavilion, Flowerdale Estate, Cheviot Tunnel, Trawool Reservoir, Mount Disappointment, Tallarook Forest, to name a few.
About our club ride weekends
Rides are varied from month to month. Most of us meet up the night before a ride at our large cosy farmhouse, Hillcrest Homstead. We share a meal and a drink or two in front of one of our open fireplaces. There are various bunk-rooms to choose from or you can sleep in your float if you choose. A hot breakfast is provided before riding out on Sunday morning. We have two bathrooms, both with showers.
Monthly Club Rides include Saturday pre-dinner nibbles, dinner, bed, Sunday hot breakfast and Sunday Ride at 9.30am. Saturday’s ride is for intermediate/advanced riders. The first half of the ride will accommodate beginner trail riders, when applicable. Both groups will dine together on Saturday night.
Sunday rides are for beginner to intermediate trail riders, duration approximately three to four hours.
Bookings are essential and the weekend costs $50 for members.

What is the cost for members?
$50 – TRV Dinner, Bed, Breakfast & Monthly Ride.
$25 – Dinner only
$0 – Use of Trail Riding Obstacle Course
What is the cost for non-members?
$90 – TRV Dinner, Bed, Breakfast & Monthly Ride/s
$30 – Dinner Only
$70 – Use of Trail Riding Obstacle Course
$160 – TRV Dinner, Bed, Breakfast & use of Trail Riding Obstacle Course
When Do we pay?
Pre-payment is essential for catering purposes and should be received by Wednesday before the ride to secure your booking.
How do we pay?
EFT to Trail Riders of Victoria
BSB: 083 232
Acct: 82 586 9376
Notification of cancellation must be received by the Thursday prior to the Club Dinner. Should cancellation be after the Tuesday before the Club Dinner 50% will be retained by TRV to cover expenses.
What do we bring
BYO horse, horse gear & feed, bedding, towels, slippers.
For those interested in coming along for a ride send us a message using this contact box 🙂
Some of our Club Rides
Club Ride - August 2022
The August Club Ride was to the Flowerdale Estate. We rode along the Broadford-Flowerdale Road through the picturesque countryside of Strath Creek. The Flowerdale Estate is in Strath Creek. While the horses were safely tied up to rails in Maria’s horses’ paddock we enjoyed a delicious lunch. The grounds of the Estate are so well kept and absolutely beautiful. We never tire of this riding destination. Although any ride in or close to Strath Creek is worth riding. Always enjoyable with great views.
Club Ride - May 2021
We enjoyed a delightful ride to the Village Green for the May Ride. It is another local ride so we rode out from the clubhouse. Although the weather was on the cold side, the sun still managed to shine and warm us up.
Club Ride - April 2021
The April Club Ride took us to the Flowerdale Pub. We left the clubhouse and rode through the township of Strath Creek and then along the picturesque King Parrot Creek Road. While the horses were safely tied up to rails in the paddock next door to the pub we enjoyed a delicious lunch. Another very enjoyable day with our horses.
Club Ride - March 2021
Views, Views, Views. The March Ride took us to one of our favourite places with sensational views along the way. The generosity of our neighbours in Strath Creek gives us the opportunity for some incredible rides. Sunday’s ride took us through Lyle’s property, one of our favourite destinations. It was wet, but that didn’t detract from the enjoyment and awe we all felt while soaking up the views.
Club Ride - February 2021
February’s Club Ride weekend was very enjoyable and eventful. The weekend was very pleasant, very social and fun. We had a good turnout for the AGM on Saturday afternoon and welcomed the new president Trevor and Secretary Dale. Saturday’s dinner was a bbq, salad and pav with berries and we took advantage of the perfect weather by dining outside. A bunch of members and visitors stayed over and enjoyed a cooked breakfast before venturing off at 9.30am on Sunday to meet the others. We floated from the clubhouse to Limestone Road in Yea, and our ride began on the Yea to Molesworth Rail Trail next to the car park. Riding through the Cheviot Tunnel was a unique experience. The scenery along the way was beautiful. We made good use of the water trough and horse yards at Molesworth and enjoyed the lunches we packed. Then we got to enjoy it all again on the return journey back to our floats. It was great that our newest member Sandra came along. Welcome Sandra. Everyone agreed it was a fabulous weekend.
Club Ride - January 2021
The January ride was brilliant. We started with a small ride on Saturday, a warmup ride to Flowerdale Estate. We didn’t go too far in as there was a wedding in progress. One day we hope to organise a ride including one of their lovely high teas …. one day. The gardens are a feast for the eyes. The homestead is a beautiful old majestic building worth a look and a relax in too.
The main ride on Sunday was a treat. Dave generously opened up his gates to his farm and everyone loved the open space and gorgeous scenery. The ride started with a leisurely ride from the clubhouse, beginning on the wide verge of the Broadford-Flowerdale Road. The photos and videos captured by the riders show how varied the landscape can be in Strath Creek. The creek flats, where the clubhouse is, are green while high up on the hills the landscape is golden.
There were so many wonderful photos and videos to share so we have two videos for January. The first video is mainly made up from smaller videos and the second video is mostly made up from still snaps.
We appreciate our members sharing their photos with us so that anyone looking through our website can enjoy the experience too. The riders in the January group had a great time and are looking forward to more rides.
A big thank you to one of our new members, Lee, who has been a busy beaver on social media sharing her TRV riding joy. Lee is very passionate about riding and it shows. Welcome also to Marg, another new member. We are thrilled to have these marvelous women join us. Some members who have been associated with TRV for many years may recognise a familiar face who joined in on the ride on Sunday. What a great ride to experience.
Club Ride - November 2020
A smaller group than usual rode to the Trawool Reservoir through the Tallarook State Forest. It was an enjoyable ride and the day was warm. We floated our horses to the forest and were sheltered from the sun in the shade of the trees. If you haven’t experienced the delights of the Tallarook Forest and want to experience a great ride, don’t hesitate to give us a call to see when we are planning to ride there again. The ride is one of our favourites for warmer days.
We enjoyed a bbq dinner together outside the night before the ride. As usual, the weekend was a very pleasant one.
Club Ride - March 2020
The format of the March Ride changed a little. We experimented with the introduction of a Saturday afternoon session on the obstacle course. The experiment went well and everyone loved the time spent honing skills and facing new challenges.
We all enjoyed a BBQ dinner & salads, followed by sticky date pudding.
The March Ride was to Trawool Reservoir and Warragul Rocks. We packed our own lunches and enjoyed the day in the Tallarook Forest.
The new Club Ride weekend format was a success.
Club Ride - February 2020
The February Ride weekend started off with a lovely dinner cooked by Lil & Mick. We were spoilt with a traditional roast with all the trimmings … chicken and/or pork. A choice of apple or apple & rhubarb pie followed.
The clubhouse was filled with the laughter of children and chatter amongst the adults. The evening was relaxing.
The ride the next day was to the the south side of Mt Disappointment to Spur Track, then back over Murchison Spur Road to Sailors Jack Track. Thanks to John for allowing us to ride through his property. We had the best ride.