Congratulations to Peter Eberhard for becoming a Life Member of Trail Riders of Victoria Inc.

Peter Eberhard (left) being congratulated on becoming a Life Member of Trail Riders of Victoria Inc. by Frank Hargrave AO. Frank is also a Life member. Another Life Member, Brian Coghlan, is also in this photo (rust coloured top).
It was fabulous that Frank attended our AGM and was able to present Peter with his Life Membership commemorative photos. Peter will choose which photo will be displayed at the Clubhouse and which will hang on his wall at home. Peter has been a member of TRV for over 20 years and in that time he has been Treasurer, Secretary and President at different times. Peter is currently Vice President. He has managed the Unit Trust in recent years, which has been instrumental in us retaining our base in Strath Creek. Strath Creek is in the centre of some spectacularly beautiful riding country with magnificent views from so many locations. Having a few people like Peter, who contribute heavily towards the success of the Club, has ensured TRV’s longevity over the years. This year our Club is celebrating our 90th year. Oh, did we mention that Peter is organising our 90th Celebrations?
Besides holding many positions on the committee throughout the years, Peter has demonstrated his culinary skills on many occasions when it was his turn to cook the Club dinner. Peter has lent his hand to renovation works at the clubhouse and can often be seen whizzing around on the mower. Men like Peter are the salt of the earth and should never ever be let go, or escape :). Joking aside, Trail Riders of Victoria would not be where it is today without Peter.
While we are on the subject of Life Members; Frank Hargrave AO has also been integral to the success of the club. Frank has been President and Treasurer. He has also been a valuable contributor towards the clubhouse’s future. Another Life Member, who has steered the club for a few years also, is Brian Coghlan. Before becoming President Brian was Treasurer for a few years. Brian has also been an enthusiastic contributor to anything TRV related.
The three Life Members successfully demonstrate part of the Club prayer … Good Rides, Good Trails … . There is something about Good Vittles in there as well.
Congratulations Peter on becoming a Life Member and being a great bloke and friend to all of our members.