Author – Sandy Gorman
Weather – perfect
Riding – amazing
Christmas Dinner – Yummo
Members – heaps!
Yep, I give the weekend 10 out of 10…. Well, there was the bit where we didn’t book lunch. Oh, and Sinead did take a tumble (or two) from the pony. I don’t think even those minor details can detract any points from a practically perfect end to our 2024 calendar of club rides.
The weekend for me started with a very hot and sticky arrival (34 degrees!) with two ponies in the float. Lou had preceded my arrival and was already chilling – did I interrupt a nanny nap? We considered sweating it up and riding but thought we’d wait for Brian’s arrival. By the time we actually thought to call him and find that his plans had changed from Friday arrival to Saturday morning, well, it was hot and wine o’clock. We were most impressed with this decision when the thunder rolled (is that two club weekends in a row?) and the rain pelted for long enough that we would have been soaked. Steve arrived and we sorted our dinner and drinks awaiting the arrival of Clare & Murray.
Saturday morning had the rest of our riders arriving in preparation for a ride to Trawool. It was Sammie’s first ride as a “club member” having taken the leap to join us after attending three Hosted/Welcome to Trail rides. Our planned ride was to float to Army Road, ride to Trawool Estate for lunch, with Kaye, Steve & Murray meeting us there. They’d drive back and we’d head back to the floats. With a massive 17 members for dinner, Kirrilee decided a “shorter” ride for her would enable us to eat before 10pm – so Kirrilee, Taya, Sinead and Addison chose instead to ride to the Flowerdale Estate for lunch (pick an Estate, any Estate!). That left Lou, Sammie, Brian, Clare, Gaelyn and I loading the floats to Army Rd. Trawool Estate is “huge” and while the question was asked if we should book, we didn’t. We could put the ponies in their yards and take a table outside. In perfect weather we six rode out, the trails were damp and in some places the washouts were deep. Not a problem for our trusty steeds. Perfectly behaved ponies rode all gaits to the reservoir. Brian rang to let those driving to meet us know it was time to head on over. We missed the track down to Trawool (fate?) and just past the overflow, Gaelyn lost a boot. Backtracked to look, but no success. Kaye then called to say the Trawool Estate was entirely booked for a wedding. No Lunch. Now, I’m not saying we would have changed the ride plan to head somewhere else that may have looked after us. We may well have just ACTUALLY PACKED FOOD. Poor Sammie had been so excited she’d skipped breakfast. But we are adaptable. Resourceful even. Lou had plenty of snacks. I had a muesli bar to share with my pony (water, on the other hand, was in short supply!). Brian’s tummy wasn’t that fussed on food. Hunger? We’d have more room for dinner.
We took a break for half an hour and managed to run into the landowner upon whose land we were currently just trespassing ????? Should we have read the signs? Crisis averted however. Phone numbers were shared and if fences should go up in the future, we’ve got it sussed. We took a tour from there out to Warrigal Rocks – the view from there is amazing, although the drop off makes those with a fear of heights a touch “edgy”. Without our trusty Kim and her map, and Brian not actually bringing his, the fork in the track had us wondering exactly which path to take. We could get it 50% right. We didn’t. Just as the thunder cracked (yes, again!) and it started to rain we realized we were basically heading back from whence we had come. The rain didn’t last long (just enough to get muggy again and leave us a touch damp) and by the time we got our bearings as to which was the best way back to the floats, we were drying off. We needed to go UP the track we usually head down and the reverse version was just as rocky and washed out as it is going down; just harder on the poor ponies. We gave them another rest and then enjoyed a few more canters before getting back to the floats about 4.45!
Kirrilee was an absolute gem, meeting us in the carpark with Zooper Doopers to cool us down while we unloaded. Stories were shared of their wonderful Flowerdale Estate “Devonshire tea”… and videos shared of Sinead losing her seat on Captain after a run in with a Kangaroo. Those that had planned to meet us for lunch had stopped off at The General in Strath Creek. We were very happy to snack on cheese & bikkies, smoked salmon thingies and a delicious cob loaf whilst dinner was prepared. We ate like kings, then settled in the lounge to have our BAD SANTA frivolities. Presents had been well bought and it’s fair to say everyone was happy with what they picked (or stole from someone else!) Gotta love a Christmas Party.

Sunday morning was again great weather. Omelettes for breakfast – you can never complain of going hungry at a Club Weekend.
Not as many planned on riding on Sunday (this time of year is chaotic) A few members left early after breakfast. Michelle and Linda may have missed our Saturday ride, but were ready for Sunday, along with Sammie, Sinead, Addison, Addison and I. Yes, two Addisons. I thought I’d try the granddaughter on her first ride with the group… but was being a little ambitious on her behalf. We turned back shortly after we headed off (but got the photos!). Again the girls headed to Flowerdale Estate for a Sunday paced ride. My Addi got expert tuition on the obstacles from Brian, although next time he may need to travel with Sinead and Captain… just saying! By the time we’d finished playing on the obstacle course and harrowed the paddocks the riders returned from the Flowerdale. Linda’s smile was huge, so although I missed catching up, I’m tipping she had a great ride, as did the rest of the girls.
And just like that, another club weekend was done and dusted. Another year is done and dusted. Our 95th YEAR. Time flies when you’re having fun. And when we get to celebrate our anniversary in February… well, stay tuned!
Good to see the club is going well and the usual turns on ride are still happening that’s trail riding you’ll always find your way home back to camp cheers past member many years ago will get there one day just had a new hip on put in can’t wait to get back on my horse Keith Holmes 🏇
Hahahaha great story Sandi covered it all beautifully and totally agree was another fun, action packed, spontaneous and delicious weekend at a very special place. Very grateful to everyone involved and blessed to be part of it. ❤️🤗🐎✅🎉