Keep up with what's been happening
at trail riders of victoria

Club Awards ... Sinead & Louise
Finally all of the perpetual trophies, the whole two, have been presented to Sinead & Louise. Both are good sports and accepted the Annual Comment Award and the Annual Camp Award gleefully. Sinead received her horse’s head trophy at the August Dinner and Louise was presented with her horse’s arse (yes that it what it is actually called) at the September Dinner.

Annual General Meeting &
A Big Thank You to Lee Collins
On Saturday we held our 2024 AGM. Brian Coghlan is President, Kirrilee Sunderland is Vice President, Jo Safaris is Secretary and Sandra Gorman is Jo’s Assistant Secretary.
TRV had a good year, a great Annual Ride, a very successful Wisdom of the Herd Retreat by Clare Major, and some Welcome to Trail and Hosted Rides thanks to many assisting club members. TRV is holding well in regard to finances. We are on track to achieving short and long term goals.
Lee Collins did not nominate for Secretary. All members notice and appreciate the incredible job Lee has done. The clubhouse has never looked better inside and out. Lee has given inside a facelift with matching white mattress protectors on all beds & pretty decorative pictures and items here and there. The garden beds around the house have been weed free for a few years thanks to Lee and that gives us more time at our working bees to get other things done. The back fence garden is thriving and looking pretty, again thanks to Lee & helpers. Lee put many hours into spreading the word about our different events the public enjoy. Lee set up systems and files in the clubhouse and online. We are grateful for the many hours of hard work Lee has put in over the past few years. Lee has always gone over and above in her role as Secretary. It is now time for Lee to focus on her horse Magoo and enjoy her time with him. Hopefully Lee will find another younger horse soon so that we will see her smiling face out on the trails with her TRV friends again very soon.

We are fortunate to be able to partner with
Clinical Psychology Australia to offer the
Wisdom of the Herd - a journey of self-awareness and connection.
We thank Clare Major, Clinical Psychologist & CEO of Clinical Psychology Australia for her generosity, her passion for health and the benefits of connecting with horses.

June 2024 ride at
Mount disappointment
Some members are making the most of the monthly ride weekends by arriving on Fridays and enjoying three ride days, or just arriving Friday afternoons to settle in for two rides over Saturday and Sunday.
We trialed moving the longer intermediate ride to Saturday and the shorter ride to Sunday. The switch was very successful. Saturday’s ride started with all riders riding out together. After a break some riders returned to the clubhouse and the remaining riders rode for a few more hours. Having two ride durations to choose from gave everyone the opportunity to ride together, grow and benefit by picking up tips from more experienced riders. There were smiles all round back at the clubhouse while experiences and achievements were being recounted.
Moving the shorter ride to Sunday was very successful, especially because the daylight hours in June are so short. Everyone could set off home around 2.30pm and be home and horses sorted before dark.