Author: Sandy Gorman
Once we were up in the clouds, we couldn’t actually see down to the valleys below, so no need for nerves …
Club ride again – was it only a month ago we were here? This weekend I’m rostered on for the post weekend clean – and knowing I’d rather get home in daylight chose to forego the Sunday ride in favour of an early trip home. This meant really making the most out of what days and time I did have to ride, so was lucky enough to have Kim arrive early Friday so that the two of us could get in a sneaky ride in the afternoon. We also got to suss out just how wet the ground was after recent rains. Answer – wet!

Saturday morning dawned clear and bright… just joking, it IS still winter. This month again had several members caught up with other duties, but we increased our numbers and had four riding Saturday. It was grey. It was a little drizzly. It was again one of those times that we question our sanity and just WHY would we ride in this? My fingers were frozen! It had stopped drizzling by the time we were saddled up and four of us headed out for a big loop – turn left out of the clubhouse and a 27 kilometre “blocky”. The clouds were low, which was actually helpful as Julie isn’t a great fan of heights. Once we were up in the clouds, we couldn’t actually see down to the valleys below, so no need for nerves! All our horses were feeling quite relaxed and really seemed to enjoy being out and about. Being a smaller group, we were again moving along at a smart pace and made the lookout by what could have been lunch time. It is amazing to know that when our illustrious leader doesn’t pack a lunch, he’s not actively looking at a nice spot to stop and enjoy a snack. Note to all members…. If you think you could get peckish on the ride, make sure Brian has lunch! We did decide we’d stop for a breather and a snack at the top of the big hill (this is print, I don’t like to swear… but it is a long way down and evokes a swear word from most riders the first time they see it … use your imagination!). We’d just had a lovely long canter up and down the tracks to the top and had planned a stop only to have half a dozen four wheel drives out for the day already stopped for lunch. We decided to wait until we reached the bottom instead. Just enough time to swallow our lunch when the rain thought about starting up. Rather than a wet saddle, we all jumped back on and headed for home. Another cracking ride – approximately 27 k’s in just on 4 hours or thereabouts. Best of all, despite early warnings to the contrary, we stayed dry and warm.

We had more members arrive Saturday afternoon for the AGM and Sunday ride. Of course, Sunday really did dawn clear and bright, sun shining and looking the perfect ride day. It was tempting to join them… very tempting! Although I was out, numbers increased from Saturdays ride and five members headed to the Top of the World to soak up the sunshine and clear the cobwebs. I’ve seen the videos. My FOMO has peaked. While now the smaller/slower ride of the weekend, we had no newer/nervous riders in this group. Again it looked like it was a well rounded ride, with walks trots and canters as all members were capable and ready to go. Unlike Saturday, our great video takers were both on the Sunday ride so there’s proof of the great weather and fun times. Actually, I probably could have lied and told you all what a wonderful day Saturday was weather wise with no pics to discount me. But then you’d all be wondering if we really do have such fun on our rides or if its all too much like a dream to be believed!
Until next month, happy trails everyone!